We aim at identifying correctly priced and/or undervalued assets then purpose to strategically embed them in the appropriate economic cycles for maximum return generation within the acceptable risk tolerance levels. The cornerstone of our investment philosophy is three-fold. In managing clients funds, we help our clients achieve value growth, income generation and value preservation.
The Absa Individual Pension Plan Fund is a pension savings product meant to provide a convenient, secure and tax-efficient platform for accumulating a sum of money for a secure retirement; through consistent monthly contributions and/or transfers from other pension funds.
The pension contributions are professionally invested to enhance growth and safety during the pre-retirement phase of the contributor. Upon reaching retirement stage the accumulated funds are accessible by the pensioner as income/pension to support themselves through retirement.

Benefits of an Individual Pension Plan Fund with Absa Asset Management
1. Income Tax relief on contributions up to KSH20,000 per month
2. Exemption of payment of capital gains tax on investment returns
3. Part of your pension benefits may be paid as tax-free cash lumpsum
4. You can transfer-in your benefits from other schemes at no cost or tax
5. Excellent customer service from Absa
All you need to apply is a filled in application form, a copy of your Kenyan ID or passport and a copy of your KRA PIN.