
Our current accounts give you access to a range of domestic and international payment types and allow you to access complex payment solutions to meet your needs.

  • Easy access to funds
  • Choice of currency
  • Reduces exchange risk
  • Access to a chequebook
  • Regular account statements
  • Preferential Corporate Banking rates
  • Flexible facility terms
  • Free financial advice
  • Treasury and cash management services
  • Make M-Pesa transactions
  • Do internal funds transfers
  • Get automated sweeping transfers
  • Includes outward return or unpaid items
  • Unpaid standing instructions
  • Get interim statements
  • Get mini statements

Let us contact you

  • Documents required

    • Copy of certificate of incorporation 
    • The board or directors’ resolution to open the account, on company letterhead, specifying the signatories and how they will be signing, e.g. both to sign or either to sign etc. and emboss with company seal. 
      This should also include:
      • The number of accounts required 
      • Currency of account 
      • Account name for each account
    • Copy of the memorandum and articles of association of your company 
    • Identification documents for all signatories to the account that we will be opening.(be they directors or not), i.e. passport copy/national ID 
    • One passport size photo for each signatory and any 2 principle directors. 
    • Address confirmation for all directors/signatories: Address confirmation document for incoming signatories, printed on your company letterhead 
      • The person who signs the address confirmation document should not be one of the signatories being introduced. 
    • Completed account opening pack
    • Company PIN certificate
    • Annual returns (for companies incorporated over 1 year)
Need more help?

Call us on:
+254 (20) 3900000 (Landline)
+254 (722) 130120 (Mobile)
+254 (732) 130120 (Mobile)

Email us: