Choose what currency you want to earn interest in
  • No minimum balance required
  • No charges applicable
  • Interest up to 2.5% (USD), 1% (GBP) per annum
  • Interest paid monthly

Open USD account 

Open GBP account

Resume an application

Have your Kenyan national ID, and a photo or PDF of your signature on a white background ready. Plus, make sure that your PC’s/phone’s front camera is enabled.

USD interest band
  • 0–5,000:                     0.00%
  • 5,000–25,000:          1.00 %
  • 25,000–100,000:      1.50%
  • 100,000-500,000:    2.00%
  • >500,000:                    2.50%
GBP interest band
  • 0–5,000:                        0.00%
  • 5,000–25,000:            0.30 %
  • 25,000–100,000:        0.70%
  • 100,000-500,000:       0.75%
  • >500,000:                        1.00%
Need more help?

Call: +254 (722) 130120 or +254 (732) 130120 